Student Solution


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Week 11- Discussion - Urban Anthropology

Week 11- Discussion - Urban Anthropology

Q After reading Manzo's "Video Ethnography and Critical Research for More Democratic Urbanization: The Case of Milan’s Chinatown" would you consider using her methods in your own research? Why or why not? If you've already tried her methods out, what have you learned about your neighborhood?

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It can be said that after reading Manzo’s work, I feel that I would have used her methods in my personal research as I feel that the video ethnography can be considered to be a new way for understanding the overall needs of our community. As I have kept observing the people in the neighborhood, I have tried to understand the different cultures that have emerged around us. It can be said that video ethnography helps in using different methods that tends to work together in helping to find out what really matters to other people in some of the given situations which can include any community, school or hospital.